"Elegy For A Grieving Ocean", the second movement of Night Whales, is coming to South Australia in November, with some special multimedia display created by my amazing husband/baritone/ITguy Emlyn. Inspired by whaling in Victor Harbor, the music is written to express 100 years of empty bay after whales were slaughtered to near extinction.

South Australian wind quintet Windsong Quintet, who commissioned the piece, have put together a whole concert of ocean music to go along with it, with percussionist Andrew Wiering on vibraphone and Emlyn singing, and have lined up four wonderful performances. You could attend a chamber music festival on North Terrace, head to Langhorne Creek to match your Windsong wine to the Windsong Quintet music, have a whale of a beach day at Victor and experience Emlyn’s multimedia on the big screen or come to the Mid North for an intimate house concert in our studio.

3 November
North Terrace Adelaide

The tour launches in Adelaide’s beautiful cultural hub as part of the “On The Terrace” chamber music festival hosted by Chamber Music Adelaide. A free day of concerts

9 November
Langhorne Creek
Which Windsong wine will you select to sip for the concert in the new barn performance space? It doesn’t get much better than windsong wines and windsong music!

10 November
Victor Harbor
Make a whale day of it. Visit the whale centre before experiencing Emlyn’s multimedia display on the big screen at the 101 year old Victa Cinema.

23 November

The final concert is a house concert in our Burra studio, with special guest star Sophie Tiver. If you’d like to come, drop me an email, and I’ll invite you.

Pretty chuffed with

Chamber Music Adelaide - an amazing South Australian umbrella arts organisation who create opportunities for audiences and artists to celebrate South Australian chamber music together. They have been so incredibly helpful and enthusiastic about Night Whales, providing funding and support along the whole way so far.

Linda Pirie, artistic director of Windsong Quintet commissioned Elegy and then organised this tour, successfully applying for a grant from Arts SA to support this tour. More about this wind quintet